Safely Loss Weight during Pregnancy

 Safely Loss Weight during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is an exciting time for women and gaining weight is inevitable when having a baby. Research shows that it is possible to lose some weight and even beneficial women who are extremely obese or overweight (have an MBI over 30)

As the baby grows, pregnancy women body changes. Naturally, she will gain weight gradually during pregnancy. There is an increase in amniotic fluid, blood volume, and growing baby cause a fair weight gain thought pregnancy

For healthy pregnant women who have a healthy weight, do not require to lose their weight. If you think that you will benefit from weight loss during pregnancy contact your doctor and seek for safe weight loss plan during pregnancy without affecting your baby.

Prepare a plan for gradual weight loss during pregnancy

A baby relies on you starting from conception in numerous ways. Health f your body and your lifestyle, food you consume affects the baby. Your body nourishes them and held them for about 40 weeks. Having excess weight can leads to problems during pregnancy because it can affect many of the processes during pregnancy.

Being obese may lead to the following problems

  • Stillbirth
  • Premature birth
  • Cesarean delivery
  • Gestational diabetes in mother
  • Heart defects in the baby
  • High blood pressure in mother
  • Sleep apnea
  • Preeclampsia
  • Infections in mother
  • Blood clots (especially in your legs)

You can safely lose weight during Pregnancy through a consistent, yet gradual weight loss plan by focusing on healthier lifestyle changes. It’s best for your body and baby to gradually loss weight during pregnancy.

If your doctor recommends loss of weight during pregnancy this is the safe weight loss plan for pregnant women.

  1. Cut down calories


The first method to safely lose weight during pregnancy is by reducing your daily calorie intake. The common cause of weight gain is eating more calories than you burn off.

To lose 1 pound takes a 3,500 calories deficit.


You need to keep a log and figure out how many calories you eat daily. To discuss food plans you can talk to a dietitian.

Nutritional labels in food products can be checked to get a sense of how many calories are included in each food.

It’s recommended that pregnant women should eat no fewer than 1700 calories per day. These are minimum calories that need to get enough energy for you and your baby and nutrients daily.


If you normally eat far more calories than that, then consider reducing taking calories gradually. For example,


  • Cut out condiments
  • Eat small portions
  • Swap unhealthy fats such as butter try healthy oil such as olive oil.
  • Instead of traditional carbs fill up one vegetable
  • Trade baked goods for fruit.
  • Drink water instead of soda drinks.
  • Have a prenatal vitamin daily to make sure that you getting all of the nutrients needed for you and your baby. Folate is important as supports to reduce the risk for birth defects.


  1. Exercise 30 minutes daily


Most pregnant women are afraid to exercise out of fear that exercise can harm their babies. But this isn’t true. While some exercises are there such as sit up that helps to safely lose weight.


Enough exercise can help you maintain your weight, ease some of the aches pains, reduce birth defects that may experience during pregnancy.

30 minutes exercises are recommended for even nonpregnant women. But if this duration is too much for you to begins, divide the 30 minutes into short time blocks throughout the day.


Best and safe weight loss exercises for pregnant women are,


  • Walking
  • Swimming
  • Gardening
  • Jogging
  • Prenatal yoga


And as pregnant women, you should avoid any activities


  • That cause physical pain
  • Rely on balance such as skiing or riding
  • Are performed in the heat
  • Are carried out on your back after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • That makes you dizzy


  1. Address weight concerns early


When you’re pregnant you will gain weight naturally, and the majority of weight gain occurs during in second and trimesters.

During the last two months of pregnancy, the baby also grows fast. So bearing both your weight and baby’s weight can be hard even with supporting elements such as the placenta.

So its recommend to safely lose weight during pregnancy in the early months


  1. Know how much weight you need to gain


You need to understand the healthy level of the weight of the body before loss weight during pregnancy. According to the national institute of diabetes and digestive and kidney diseases, guidelines are given on pregnancy weight and these guidelines are based on your weight before the pregnancy.

  • BMI between 25- 29.9: 15 5o 25 pounds
  • BMI of 30 or more, Obese: 11 to 20 pounds
  • Normal weight (18.5 to 24.9 BMI): can gain pounds around 25 to 35



For most, pregnant women weight management is much safe compare to any other form of significant weight loss. Other than having a lower BMI, weight loss during pregnancy isn’t appropriate for all women.

Unless you are significantly overweight, mist doctors are not recommending weight loss during pregnancy.


Due to morning sickness and nausea, some women may find that they lose weight without trying during their first trimester of the pregnancy


Safely lose weight during pregnancy can be done with a proper plan. But it depends on how much excess weight you currently have. If your weight is healthy then weight loss during pregnancy is not recommended. For pregnant women which are obese and overweight, then lose weight during pregnancy can minimize the risks of pregnancy complications.


Being overweight or obese during pregnancy, there are chances of complications for the baby and mom. if you are obese, safely cutting down the calories you eat is the safest way to lose weight during pregnancy. And having a healthy food light exercise routine specially created for pregnant women can be followed to get a better healthy weight. A combination of moderate and regular exercise and healthy eating should be enough to safely lose weight during pregnancy. Always seek doctors’ advice before you decide on your diet plan and exercises. 


Keywords: loss weight during pregnancy, lose weight during pregnancy, gradual weight loss

