Kohomba leaves and skin health - Kohomba as a medicine to cure skin problems

Kohomba has been an indispensable medicine in our Ayurvedic medicine since ancient times. An antiseptic. In the village it is almost impossible to find a house without a kohlrabi plant. What Kohomba says is so useful to us. Kohomba can be used to cure many ailments as well as to enhance our beauty.

See if you already knew about these things. Kohomba has an amazing ability to get rid of acne Kohomba has antibacterial and antifungal properties. Therefore, Kohomba can cleanse the skin and keep it healthy. Add a little kohlrabi leaves to hot water and leave it for two or three minutes. Then apply on cleansed face. It dries in twenty to thirty minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water. It is better to do it for two or three days.

You do not need creams to brighten your complexion Kohomba is a good solution for those who are hiding their skin fit due to dirt and unsuitable cosmetics. Make a paste of kohlrabi leaves as mentioned earlier and add a yellow spoon to it. But not the yellow ones in the store.

You also need to be able to make it at home. Then add two or three more drops of honey and apply on the face for about twenty minutes and then massage gently. Remember to massage upwards. Or the skin may sag. Did you know that you can get rid of blackheads? Black spots are a nuisance to many of our young people. The best solution is to mix two to three drops of cochineal oil with two to three drops of water and apply on the affected area for about 20 minutes. If you continue to do this treatment, you can stop the appearance of spots.

Successful treatment for kohlrabi infections and eczema When I was a child I used to wash my legs with boiled water of kohlrabi leaves. Cochineal Allergies, intolerance they shared dye Cochineal Allergies, intolerance they shared dye Cochineal Allergies, intolerance they shared dye Cochineal Allergies, intolerance they shared dye Cochineal Allergies, intolerance they shared dye. Put some kohlrabi leaves in two or three cups of water, rinse well and wash the eczema and wounds with that water. See how it heals in about a week.
