Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

  It is essential to eat nutritious foods and practice healthy eating during pregnancy. You need to plan your healthy diet to help the baby to grow and support your body to stay healthy during pregnancy. During Pregnancy you don’t require to go on a special diet but need to eat a variety of different foods every day to get the right amounts of nutrients that you and your baby need.

When you’re pregnant you need to get minerals and vitamins from the food you eat. To make sure you get everything you need, including a Folic acid supplement in your diet plan.


Fruit and vegetables in pregnancy

To have a healthy diet in Pregnancy you need to include at least 5 portions of a variety of vegetables and fruit every day. These fruits and vegetables can be canned, frozen, dried

, fresh, or juiced. Eat enough fruit and vegetables to get the required level of minerals and vitamins as well as fiber which helps to prevent constipation and helps digestion. Broccoli and dark green vegetables such as spinach, kale, include so many nutrients you will need. Even though you are not interested in eating green vegetables they can often be added to your dishes. Always clean and wash vegetables and fruit before using them.


No need to “eat for 2”

As a pregnant woman, you may experience more hungriness than usual but you don’t need to eat for two persons even if you’re expecting twins or triplets.

Daily have a healthy diet during pregnancy so that can help you to prevent yourself from having snacks that are high in sugar and fat. Healthy eating during pregnancy means changing the amounts of different foods you eat that your diet is different each day so that you do not require to cut down all your favorites.


Starchy foods (Carbohydrates) in pregnancy

Starchy foods help you to feel full without eating too many calories and these foods are important sources of energy, fiber, and vitamins. They include potatoes, bread, rice breakfast cereals, pasta, noodles, maize, oats, millet, and cornmeal. If you want to have chips, have chips lower in salt and fat.

Choose higher fiber options or wholegrain such as brown rice, whole-wheat pasta instead of having refined starchy (white) food.


Protein in pregnancy

Have protein-rich foods daily such as beans, fish, pulses, eggs, meat (but avoid liver), poultry, nuts. Remove skin from poultry and choose lean meat, use less extra fat oil when cooking meat.

Prepare burgers, poultry sausages, and while cuts meat such as beef, lamb, and pork are thoroughly cooked until steaming all the way through. Check whether there is no pink meat and have no pink or red in that juice. Fish is healthy eating during pregnancy. Try to have 2 portions of fish each week, include oily fish such as salmon or mackerel or sardines in one portion. Don’t have 2 portions of oily fish in a week because it contains pollutants (toxins).

And avoid eating partially cooked eggs or raw eggs as there is a risk of salmonella.


Diary pregnancy

To have a healthy diet pregnancy, dairy goods are important. Cheese, milk, yogurt, fromage frais contain calcium and other nutrients which need for you and the baby.

But choose low-fat dairy products wherever possible such as lower sugar yogurt, semi-skimmed, 1 percent fat or skimmed milk, reduced-fat hard cheese. Choose calcium-fortified, unsweetened versions.And avoid using unpasteurized cheeses during pregnancy.


Foods need to avoid

During pregnancy, you need to have low fat and less sugar food products to prevent overweight. Sugary foods and drinks lead you to tooth decay. They contain a high-calorie level which increases your weight. Cholesterol levels in your blood can be increases with too many fatty foods and lead to developing heart diseases.

Foods that have high in sugar, fat, or both,

  • Oils
  • Cream
  • All spreading fat
  • Chocolate
  • Biscuits
  • Crips
  • Ice cream
  • Pastries
  • Pudding
  • Cake
  • Fizzy drinks


Healthy snacks in pregnancy

If you get hungry between meals, have low fat/ low sugar sweets, biscuits, chocolate, or crisps.

To have a healthy diet in pregnancy, prepare small sandwiches or pitta bread with lean ham, grated cheese, salmon, mashed tuna, or sardines with salad.

  • Salad vegetables such as celery or cucumber, carrot are healthy snacks to have in between meals.
  • Low sugar, low-fat fruit yogurt, Fromage Frias with fruit or plain yogurt
  • Ready eat apricots, prunes, or figs
  • Vegetable sticks or hummus with wholemeal pitta bread
  • Vegetable and bean soups
  • Small bakes potato or Bakes beans on toast
  • Unsweetened breakfast cereals small ball or porridge with milk
  • Fresh fruit and milky drinks
  • A small slice of malt loaf, a slice of toasted fruit bread or a fruited tea cake, a small slice of malt loaf
  • When preparing snacks you can you food labels to help you make healthy choices fast.

To have healthy eating during pregnancy food label codes such as red, green, amber code are helpful to make choices wisely and quickly.


Preparing food safely

Wash vegetables, fruit, and salads to remove all traces of soil which may get toxoplasma which can hurt your, unborn baby. Wash and clean all surfaces and utensils and your hands before repairing foods and after preparing raw foods such as meat, raw vegetable eggs poultry fish, shellfish to prevent yourself from food poisoning.

To cut raw meats, use a separate chopping board and separate knife

Ready meals foods should be heat and cooked well until there are steaming hot all the way through. Make sure foods such s burgers, eggs, poultry, sausages, and cuts of meat like lamb, pork and beef must be cooked very thoroughly until streaming all the way through.

Always seek and follow advice from your doctor regarding healthy eating during pregnancy. Having a balanced body during pregnancy is important for the safety of you and your baby. 

And it also important not to stress overweight or else it may impact negatively your pregnancy. Research on the internet regarding healthy eating during pregnancy, Get ideas from your relatives who have experience with pregnancy before and confirm them with your doctor and prepare your healthy diet suitable with your lifestyle.  


Keyword - Healthy Eating during Pregnancy, healthy diet in Pregnancy



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