Pregnancy Test False positive


When you take the pregnancy test you need to confirm that is everything s right. And you need to have faith in the test and be sure that you get the right answer. There is a lot at stake. 

What Is a False Positive?

Pregnancy test False positive means that the test found HCG hormone in your urine when there was no HCG hormone in your urine. More sensitive and newer pregnancy tests detect lower amounts of HCG hormone in the urine and making them more sensitive. Other reasons cause false positive test.

False positive pregnancy tests can occur very rarely. But there is a possibility for some women this result can be disappointing if they were expecting to become pregnant. a positive chorionic gonadotropin(HCG) – a false positive test result can occur due to various reasons. 

A pregnancy test checks the HCG hormone levels in the woman’s urine. If enough HCG is detected by the test in urine, then the test shows a positive result. A quantitative HCG hormone test checks the HCG hormone level in the blood, diagnose abnormal pregnancies, and shows the exact age of the fetus and 

Compare to urine tests, blood tests can detect HCG hormone at lower levels. Therefore blood test can detect a pregnancy earlier.

Women can get positive test results and it is possible to face a miscarry also. This is called a chemical pregnancy. It doesn't always indicate a viable pregnancy in every positive HCH test result. If a positive result is shown in a home pregnancy test then it is important to seek advice from a professional and confirm the result with a blood test. Also, it is important to seek doctor's advice regularly to prepare your body and mind to maintain a healthy pregnancy.




If there are HCG hormones in your body due to some other medical reasons, then a pregnancy test can be false positive. Or if the pregnancy test was not working currently then results can be false positive. Contact your doctor for advice on what to do and they will recommend doing the blood test to check if HCG hormone is in the blood.

Another situation that can happen is that you had a correct positive and in the test, HCG hormone was found but the HCG levels are falling. This is not a false positive situation in the sense that it found HCG hormone but it’s false in the sense that you might not get a viable pregnancy. The lower HCG can be a sign of a miscarriage however you need to call your midwife or doctor for advice. They will recommend treatments such as progesterone to protect your pregnancy.

There can be a possibility for lab errors and strange diseases. That’s why your need to follow advice from your doctor or midwife.

Most medical centers recommend urine tests to test for pregnancy which is a lot more similar to home pregnancy tests. Those tests may be selling in bulk to get a better price but the technology is the same and with less fancy plastic wrappers. If you think that there is an issue with the urine test done at home then you can go for a urine test in a medical center or do a blood pregnancy test. 

If you experience a false positive on a pregnancy test you need to wait for another cycle to try to get pregnant or you will get to know later in this cycle that you are pregnant. 


Improper use of pregnancy

This is the most common reason women get false positive pregnancy results when doing a home urine test. If the test wasn’t done properly and if the instruction were misunderstood then the result access from the test can be false. It is really important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions very carefully before when you do a home pregnancy test. These pregnancy tests check the different levels of HCG


Expired pregnancy test

Before using the pregnancy test always check the expiration date. If the test is expired it can yield results. 


Evaporation lines

Pregnancy test results need to be read within the time frame specified on the test. If you read the test results after recommending time duration you may confuse evaporation lines with a faintly positive test line. Evaporation lines will appear sometime on test strips even after urine dries bot these lines can be faint results.


Testing too early

Up to 70 percent of conceptions may end in miscarriages according to fertility experts. You can experience a chemical pregnancy, without knowing that as soon as after conception happens a miscarriage occurs and the menstrual period starts on time. 

 Its common things that women who are too eager to get conceived are anxious and testing too early to know about their status. 

after ovulation, early pregnancy tests can show a positive or negative result. It is recommended to wait until your first missed period to test. therefore this can save your partner and you from a disappointing situation. 

Here are some medications that can affect HCG levels,

  • Phenothiazine
  • hCG injections
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Some tranquilizers
  • Anti-Parkinson’s medicines
  • Some diuretics
  • Promethazine


Contaminated urine samples

The presence of impurities (soap, blood, detergent) in the urine samples is and another reason for a false positive test result. Cups are included in some pregnancy tests and urine samples can be contaminated inadvertently if you are on removing all detergent and soap. And it's also important to get that cups are sterile and do not require to be washed before doing the test again. If there is blood in your urine other than in your menstrual cycle such as bladder infections, kidney diseases can cause hematuria. When this occurs, the Test will yield false positive results. 


Recent Pregnancy

You may receive a false positive Test result if you been pregnant recently

How to avoid false positive test result

False positive test results are very rare, fortunately. Experts recommend taking two home pregnancy tests before confirming that you are pregnant or not. And trying different brands can help you to reduce the likelihood that you have misread the pregnancy test results.

If you have got a false positive, visit your doctor before confirming the pregnancy status. And get advice from a therapist, or experience person about this field such as a family member or a trusted friend can also be beneficial. 


False positive, False Positive Test, False positive test results, pregnancy test, HCG hormone
