How Sound Waves Affect Health of Our Body - Effect of Pirith on Water

Water is essential for human life. Humans and all living beings need water to live. Our bodies have 60% water out of body weight. An average person's body weight 70kg, has 42 liters of water. According to a Japanese study, water molecules are affected by sound waves. Each sound waves of frequency have an effect on water.

According to this study, water is exposed to pirith sound and metal music for hours Water exposed to pirith have produced hexagonal-shaped ice crystals According to that they we can assume when we listen to pirith water, molecules in our body transform to hexagonal or pentagonal shapes.
Hexagonal water has been found as healthy and Disease free. We tend to heal our mind and body by listening to pirith chanting. Researchers in Sri Lanka have done an experiment on the effect of Buddhist pirith chanting and pop music on rice plants. This was done in open university of sri lanka in the department of botany

The experiment was to keep seeds in the soil in 3 separate soundproof chambers with pop music, pirith chanting, and silence in different chambers. They kept it for 3 months and test the growth every fortnight. They have found that growth and yield performance was higher in the chamber of pirith chanting compared to other chambers.
Masaru Emoto who is a Japanese researcher has done experiments on water, and he discovered that water has memory and able to store information Positive comments such as Love, Thank You forms crystals in harmonies, and homogenous forms and negative information such as “I hate you” form uneven crystals, And think you and people around you contain 70% of water in the body and our thoughts, words, and actions influence physical beings.

We must think positively and spread love and kindness to other physical beings. Because we are one unit.. we all are frequencies. if we need better life we should treat the world the same way. If you think this video is useful for you, subscribe us to get more valuable videos
