How To Be Good Person? - Be a Good Person For No Reason...

Today I like to discuss some important topics I wanted to talk about a long time ago. It is about ourselves and interacting with society.
We as humans like to interact with another living being, when we communicate with others we expect some things from others sometimes. It can be affection, love, money, happiness, not to be alone, etc. It is very rare for people to interact with others to help them to achieve their goals in lives.
People always act on achieving what they want not on what others need. People in the world love themselves more than others. Think of a relationship people find a person or partner for them according to their expectations on mindsets. Everyone has their own first love in their mind they find someone outside the world according to their picture in the mind. They go for the person who has the feature of a girl in the mind.
However, people have to interact with different types of people who have different likes and dislikes. ‘thars the first thing people have to understand about becoming a good person. When a person understands others' behaviors, he or she respects others and lots of troubles vanish out of the world. The rest is to understand people others. Second help people to succeed jealousy is a trait lots of people processed in the world.
People who want something, but they couldn’t have it due to poverty lack of education, lack of confidence not good look tends to treat bad other people who have it people do illegal works is bad inhuman things to get what they want which leads them to greater hell they were before. So be happy with what you have developed more. never ever feel bad about what you don’t have because some people don’t have what you have. And less you have more your happiness. Let's meet in the second chapter.
