Strengthen Immunity of Body Against Corona

Fight Against Covid 19 Virus

  • Drink hot water
  • Keep the body in warm condition and always drink hot water. The virus won’t survive in above 27 C temperature.

  • Drink Plain tea and Herbal tea
  • Drink tea with ginger if possible. it will warm your body and increase immunity and help you fight against the coronavirus.

  • Steam
  • Boil water in a basin with lime leaves inhale this steam for enough time to heal the body.

  • Meditate
  • Concentrate your mind and practice Buddhism meditation methods for better results. Meditation will remove toxic energy from the body and clean the aura.

  • Quit eating meats and animal products
  • This is a hard task for most people in the world, but this coronavirus(covid 19) begins from animals' flesh and this is just a warning for humans. Humans should not hurt or kill defend fewer animals. Each animal dies in hate and sadness. Their blood and flesh are toxic for consumers; we can get virus severe this if do not stop eating meat. We all humans in the world must stop eating meat and stop killing animals for any reason. Start this mission with you and spread the news to all others around you.

    6. Be positive and strong

    Be positive and always be confident that you can overcome these dark times and always help others in need to overcome stress. take care of your relatives and neighbors. Give away food and essential food and items for people in need.

  • Maintain body hygiene
  • Always be clean and wash your hands with soaps. Wear a mask when you go out. Follow all the security measures while communicating with people.
