Things to do in Quarantine

How to use your time effectively during lockdown season

Learn new things

As we all know the current situation of the world is terrible and everyone’s jobs are at risk. Who knows even online jobs also will keep the same demand. Anyhow learn something new so that you can use that knowledge to earn extra money or else you can make your main income stream later

Here are few things you can learn.

Develop websites and apply for Google AdSense
Learn to copy write and apply to work fin Fiverr, freelancer sites, etc.
Learn to do graphic designing
Learn to trade
Learn new languages to apply as translators etc.
Grow your vegetables.

With the current economy, a lack of food can starve living beings. To grow your vegetables in your garden or use wisely your limited space house. Prepare for the worst. Plan your future today. Money can be useless if there is no food to buy.


Quarantine life can be similar to prison sometimes and unable to go outside for a long time stress level can be high. Rather than try to roam outside this is the perfect time to develop your mind power. Power of mind can be enhanced by meditating.

There are various meditation methods you can try alone. But it is strongly recommended to consult a meditation teacher. Theravada Buddhist monks are most recommended to learn meditation from.


Unlike exercising yoga poses to balance your mind and shape your body. you can learn from YouTube or websites. Do yoga daily for the best results.

Give away

Call your friends and get to know if they need anything. See whether nearby anyone needs help with food or necessary items. If you can select food and necessary items and give them to poor and needy people. Caring for and helping each other and kindness towards each other are the most required assets most required for humankind in this disaster period.
